It’s impossible to include an associated field value alongside an aggregate of another variable

Unlike ndarrays, DataFrames are often heterogeneous. They are a more complete map of how we think of a data set as a whole. When we alter the structure of tabular data, often through aggregation of one field, we want to include values from other fields. This is an example of an issue that arises at the interface of pandas and scikit-learn, for which the ColumnTransformer was created.

In the following example of car makes and fictitious carbon footprints, we want to tabulate the make of the most expensive car in the same row as its footprint. The following code misaligns the rows, in that TSLA, not GM, is associated with the maximum cfp.

df = pd.DataFrame({'Sector': ['auto', 'auto', 'auto'],
                   'make': ['GM', 'TSLA', 'FORD'],
                   'cfp': [20.5, 900.10, 450.50]})
>>> df.groupby('Sector').agg({'make': 'first', 'cfp': 'max'})

The grouping variable will replace any index, so we cannot simply set or add 'make' to the index and then groupby.

We can obtain the correct result in a limited number of cases. If the dataframe is sorted descending, .agg('first') will align with 'max'; if sorted ascending, 'first' aligns with 'min'.

A quantile of one field will not align to the first or last instance of another, but it could be located as long as np.quantile outputs an observed value and not an interpolation.
Alternatively, merge tables on the quantile, with NumPy outputting the observation nearest the quantile by setting method='nearest'.

def sector_quantilians(data: pd.DataFrame,
                       quantile: float,
                       group_field: str = 'Sector',
                       metric: str = 'AMOUNT'
    print(f"{quantile:%}-ile of {metric} for {group_field}")
    return data.groupby(group_field, observed=True)[metric].apply(
        lambda x: np.quantile(x, quantile, interpolation='nearest'))