Business considerations

Linear models are among the most explainable, and yet producing insights salient to business problems is not trivial. Adopt a simple formulation, and a direct interpretation of parameters will require multiple footnotes to bridge the gap between what is meaningful on the terms of learned associations and what can confirm or alter a manager’s point of view and strategy. Adopt a more complex formulation and, well, you must have amazing infrastructure.

One reality that makes the gap so wide is that to discern any pattern, data sets need to be subdivided into coherent segments. A linear model can do so through indicator variables, but practically speaking it can be necessary or even legally required to separate data into tens of thousands of segments. A model will be learned for each segment, and each will require some level of validation.

Once validated, an interesting problem is how to build downstream analytics that consume the model output (predictions, parameters, performance metrics, etc.) and inform managers. The granularity of their decisions is key to designing those analytics, which should refine the models’ design.

In this context, I address a detail that can appreciably erode the veracity and salience of model-derived insights. This erosion is a risk when applying canned routines in general, and time series/forecasting packages in particular. They abstract away important details, most notably how data are prepared for modeling. As a result, such packages lead users to implicitly, rather than explicitly, choose parameters that are incongruent with, for example, the sequence event (e.g., temporal) structure of their data. You can bet that meta-learners that deploy dozens of forecasting algorithms do not get you off the hook from carefully inspecting and preparing data.

Packages like statsmodels.tsa do not check whether a daily time series contains only business days, while the user has specified a ‘seasonality’ period of 7. I was unsure if it did or not and so created artificial data with known infidelities and effects, observed how an autoregressive statsmodels.tsa algorithm responded, and what distortions ensued. This post recounts this experiment.

The following covers in-sample deconstruction of sequentially (temporally) sensitive effects that apply to a variety of problems. The objectives include predicting future events and understanding patterns that we can

  • Explain to non-technical managers
  • Assess the tradeoff between model capacity, maintenance costs, failure risk, and other value drivers that ought to determine adoption and delivery of value to an enterprise.


We denote our sequence (e.g., time series) model as a multivariate linear regression: $$y_t = \alpha + \sum_{i=1}^m \beta_i x_{i,t} + \epsilon_t$$ The properties of variables that constitute $x$ determine what kind of regression we perform:

  • An auto-regression model includes up to $p$ lags: $x_{t-p}, \ldots, x_{t-1}$
  • A linear trend is included by $x_{1, t} = t$; assuming equally spaced observations, $t$ would be equivalent to numpy.linspace(1, T), where $T$ is the longest duration or last time point.
  • Day of week is achieved by having one binary variable for all but one day; i.e., $x_{i, t}=1$ if the observation occurs on a particular day and zero otherwise. For any categorical variable having $k$ unique values, include $k-1$ binary variables into the model. So if we leave out Sunday, $x_ {\text{Monday},t}$ measures the effect of Monday on $y$ relative to the effect of Sunday.
  • Spike: A dummy variable that is 1 in a specific period, zero before and after
  • Step: A dummy variable that is zero up to a point, 1 from that point on. Similar for a change in slope.

As with its OLS class, you can apply statsmodels’ .summary() method to the fitted tsa model object, as well as .plot_predict(start=t0, end=t1).

The errors should

  • Be normally distributed with mean zero and constant variance
  • Not be auto-(serially) correlated; checks include the Breusch-Godfrey or Lagrange Multiplier test, in which a small p-value indicates significant autocorrelation remains.
  • Be unrelated to the predictors

Apply .plot_diagnostics() to the fitted model object to obtain
some of these diagnostics.

statsmodels.tsa has multiple methods for time series analysis. We do not have to use .tsa methods to model sequence data; multivariate linear regression with univariate lags and time characteristic variables could achieve roughly the same model. A variety of considerations may determine the choice of model.

In any case, we are tackling the challenge of building a linear model with familiar performance criteria. The most profound difference is that the observations are possibly auto-correlated, not I.I.D., but this may ’normalize’ out by including lags and time characteristics (seasonal components). Alternatively, we may model the (fractional) differences between observations.
Some problems may call for harnessing the ‘memory’ of a time series, rather than erasing it to achieve stationarity. The larger point is – don’t take anyone’s claim that you must prepare data a certain way for certain models, whether that be made in a book or blog ;). Understand why, for example, stationarity is important (or not) for your problem, or what different preparations and models can, in combination, reveal about the underlying phenomena you are attempting to decipher.

A reasonable starting point is the AutoReg class of statsmodels.tsa. ar_model.

A worked example in the statsmodels documentation does not show how each component manifests and how parameters affect the fit. That ambiguity ends here.

To what extent do statsmodels.tsa algorithms or utilities recognize and utilize datetimes? The work presented here suggests not at all, despite warnings when seasonal=True but period is unspecified. To obtain expected behavior from statistical learning algorithms, it is crucial to know and potentially modify the sequential structure (spacing) of data, because there do not appear to be intelligent checks and automated cleaning processes. Other key questions include

  • Consider a period $m=52$ weeks per year; unless tsa interprets datetime values intelligently, setting period=52 should only imply a weekly periodicity (seasonality) if there are $7\cdot52$ rows of data.
  • If we have $T=1.5$ years of data, would we not have to pre-specify the period as $m=p\cdot\frac{52}{q} \cdot T$, where p and q define the period of interest?
  • What if there are a few days missing, seemingly randomly?
  • …or even not randomly? For example, the data lack Saturdays, Sundays, and/or holidays.
  • Does the data need to be processed to ensure there are 7 days per week, 52 weeks per year, imputing zeroes where needed?

To begin to shed light on these questions, we create artificial data with known patterns. Create one year of daily timestamps and initialize the observations with random numbers $\in (0, 1)$.

We will use functions available in the project repo.

Encode a time characteristic, such as day of the week (dow) and boost the signal on certain days (or weeks, etc.). Here, we spike the signal on Fridays and experiment with the seasonal and period parameters.

ts = artifice()
ts = seq_ordinal(ts)
ts = signal_boost(ts,every_other_week=False)
s1model, s1params, _, stage1 = run_autoreg(ts.y,

Figure 0 (appended). A random sequence.

Here’s a sample of our input data.

2022-01-01 00:00:000.99559851
2022-01-02 00:00:000.62341161
2022-01-03 00:00:000.87609402
2022-01-04 00:00:000.88937812
2022-01-05 00:00:000.38676222
2022-01-06 00:00:000.6899232
2022-01-07 00:00:002.9928542
2022-01-08 00:00:000.46804252
2022-01-09 00:00:000.94558462
2022-01-10 00:00:000.63812303
2022-01-11 00:00:000.75950213
2022-01-12 00:00:000.23738223
2022-01-13 00:00:000.096809233
2022-01-14 00:00:002.5885743
2022-01-15 00:00:000.16573553
2022-01-16 00:00:000.38942163
2022-01-17 00:00:000.68878804
2022-01-18 00:00:000.6697614
2022-01-19 00:00:000.36885424

With seasonal=False, we obtain an upwardly trending oscillation:

Figure 1 (appended). A random sequence, where the observation on every Friday is artificially increased by the same amount, fitted with a two-lag autoregressive model.

Enable seasonal, and we get the expected level baseline with weekly peaks:

_, s2params, _, stage2 = run_autoreg(ts.y,

Figure 2 (appended).

If we increase lags=7 to include the weekly effect, we get almost as good a model as with seasonal terms:

_, s3params, _, stage3 = run_autoreg(ts.y,

Figure 3 (appended).

Any number of lags above seven, and we see no improvement. Although not shown, the model with lags=7 and seasonal=True with period=7 looks identical to the seasonal=True, period=7 model with lags=4 above, suggesting that the $x_{t-p}$ and $s_d$ terms are collinear.

statsmodels.tsa.ar_model.AutoReg interprets period=7 as the longest step from one data point to the next in the DataFrame; shorter steps from 1 to $p-1$ are also included. We think that something happens every 7th observation in the sequence, and AutoReg checks whether anything happens on shorter cadences. As discussed in detail below, whether those steps correspond to a meaningful time interval or period depends on the structure of the sequence.

Look at the coefficients by applying the .params method to the fitted model object; e.g., with lags=2, seasonal=True, and period=7:


Note that with period and lags set to an integer, multiple terms are included up to that value: e.g., $[1, \text{lags}]$. Unlike period, you may provide a list of integers for lags, in which case only those lags are included. As expected, we find the seasonal.6 coefficient to be higher than those of narrower periodicity. It’s also no accident that seasonal components 0-5’s coefficients are similar to each other. We will investigate how this model responds to data with multiple periods.

statsmodels.tsa does not require the time or sequence index to be of a datetime dtype. Replacing datetimes by integers, we obtain the same result (not shown). But note that AutoReg is not being explicitly given a sequence or time variable; it is implicit in the pandas.Series index of ts.y , so the algorithm is unaware of the change in the time column ts.t . If we remove a small number of points at random such that there are gaps in the index, the model falls apart (not shown). Can we make the seasonal regression algorithm aware that observations are made on calendar days?

ts, idx_mask = abscond(ts, points=5)

Setting the index with the datetime-formatted values (maintaining the five randomly placed gaps) leads to ValueWarning: A date index has been provided, but it has no associated frequency information and so will be ignored when e.g. forecasting. The predictions from .predict() are all null.

What matters is a logical correspondence between period and the frequency of the data as presented by their sequence in the array or DataFrame. Let’s say period=7; if the frequency is unspecified, the algorithm considers if a data point six steps from the current point tends to be higher, lower, or about the same as the current point. If the data happen to be observations recorded every nanosecond with a perturbation every 13 ns, period=13 should fit that sequence nicely. This naive behavior is helpful for modeling observations that occur with a regularity that is meaningful, if not in a temporal way. For example, every fourth trip to buy groceries, the family goes to Costco, not Trader Joe’s. But it poses a problem for incomplete and irregular sequences when effects pertain to certain fixed time qualities.

When .set_index('dt_col') involves a datetime column, we obtain a DateTimeIndex with freq=None, which statsmodels.tsa.ar_model complains about. We can specify the frequency

Having reproduced the result shown in Stage 2 with a complete data set indexed in this way, we return to the case where points are randomly missing; remove them prior to setting the datetime index and frequency. Here, we introduce a potential problem. As an aside, .asfreq('B') sets an index to daily business day. .asfreq can be applied to a DataFrame; it will return the DataFrame “reindexed to the specified frequency.” Meaning the “original data conformed to a new index with the specified frequency.” In this case, to conform to daily frequency, rows of nan are placed where time points were missing. Before and after applying .asfreq('d'):


2022-10-09 00:00:000.72242862
2022-10-10 00:00:000.29155303
2022-10-11 00:00:000.3699113
2022-10-13 00:00:000.19840533
2022-10-14 00:00:002.4606943
2022-10-15 00:00:000.63350953
2022-10-17 00:00:000.016790804
2022-10-18 00:00:000.15482414
2022-10-19 00:00:000.32294724
2022-10-20 00:00:000.097235234
2022-10-21 00:00:002.1619544
2022-10-22 00:00:000.93082854


ts = ts.set_index('t').asfreq('d')

AutoReg will raise a MissingDataError: exog contains inf or nans, resolvable by including missing='drop'. And yet even though we have a DatetimeIndex with freq='D', we still get a ValueWarning: A date index has been provided, but it has no associated frequency information . Instead of a DatetimeIndex with .asfreq('d'), we can try a PeriodIndex, a subclass of Index that is regularly spaced:

ts.set_index('t', inplace=True)
ts.index = pd.DatetimeIndex(ts.index).to_period('D')
PeriodIndex(['2022-01-01', '2022-01-02', '2022-01-03', '2022-01-04',
             '2022-01-05', '2022-01-06', '2022-01-07', '2022-01-08',
             '2022-01-09', '2022-01-10',
             '2022-12-22', '2022-12-23', '2022-12-24', '2022-12-25',
             '2022-12-26', '2022-12-27', '2022-12-28', '2022-12-29',
             '2022-12-30', '2022-12-31'],
            dtype='period[D]', name='t', length=360, freq='D')

We still have gaps in the time series, but no nan have been inserted:


It is unnecessary to include missing='drop' in AutoReg(), since the data has no missing values (it is good practice to include missing='raise' as a check). .fit() runs and .predict() returns values without altering the input data structure: it still has a PeriodIndex:

_, s5params, ts5, stage5 = run_autoreg(ts.y,

Did the model fit well? While the PeriodIndex facilitated the fit, it complicates plotting with Altair. Assuming the index needs to be reset into a column, a PeriodIndex resets to a column of 'period[D]' dtype, which causes a TypeError. After fitting the model with PeriodIndex-ed data, reformat the index:

ts.index = ts.index.to_timestamp()

You will lose the freq and have a DatetimeIndex once again. Then reset that index and plot as usual.

Figure 5 (appended).


Our model did not capture the Friday signal as before, presumably because it naively assumed every $7\cdot n^{th}$ point was Friday, ignoring the days skipped in the index. Note how the parameters’ seasonal components are written as s(1, 7), whereas before it was seasonal.0. The connotation is that we’re capturing effects that occur every 1st of 7 days.

We’ve tried two ways to structure our data such that statsmodels.tsa is aware of timing. But this data transformation did not apparently raise such awareness, as the model failed to fit the elevated values on Fridays. It could not even use the DateTimeIndex with a daily frequency. All of these observations suggest that what ultimately matters to statsmodels.tsa is the numerical index of the table; row 6 means Friday, whether the Tuesday before is missing or not (in which case Friday is actually in row 5). To the machine, they are all just row indices, not days.

Notice how the model suggests a stronger signal around day 7, adjoined by expectation of signal quite a bit before; the behavior is smeared or muddled. Absence of even a handful of time points throws off the periodicity of this time series.

This is a practical problem, as there are bound to be missing time points, either random or systematic (e.g., transactions on business days only). A path forward would be to have all dates present and put zeroes where no transactions occurred (does a package like tbats do this?). For some systematic effects like weekend dormancy, the model should fit coefficients on those days accordingly; i.e., $\beta_{s(5)}$ and $\beta_{s(6)}$ should be close to zero. Holidays are another systematic effect we would need an exogenous binary variable to capture to avoid errors in seasonal effect estimates. Lastly, randomly occurring times without transactions will rationally be factored in by $\beta_{s(t)}$ to the extent they occur.

Using .asfreq to conform a daily time series of 365 points minus 10 removed at random to a DatetimeIndex-ed dataframe with freq='D', we get one of our better fits.

ts = ts.asfreq('d')
ts.fillna(0, inplace=True)
_, s6params, _, stage6 = run_autoreg(ts.y,

The coefficient 2.37 is lower than 2.55 for the fit of the complete dataset, which suggests that some Fridays may have been zeroed out by the data preparation. But as long as such a random effect is not too prevalent, the autoregression should provide reasonable results. Here the incidence of missing days is about 3%.

Another method may allow discrete seasonality, rather than the inclusive/cumulative sort employed by AutoReg. The choice involves whether to use autoregression plus seasonality versus engineered features in a multivariate regression.

For example, no matter how many time points are absent, if we encode Friday correctly, that feature will light up on this artificial data set, and so is a more reliable approach than an autoregressive seasonality model. Since it cannot include custom features, the AutoReg class is more suitable for EDA than deployment as an estimator or forecasting service.

No matter what method we choose, we need to verify, using synthetic data, that the choice and its parameters is congruent with the structure of our sequence data.

What if the signal boost occurred every other Friday? s(7,7) = 1.5, while other seasonal variables are similar to before, although a bit elevated (0.51 to 0.56); what seems to have happened is a halving of the Friday effect. The model is unaware of what week each transaction occurred.

Increasing period to 15 leads to worse results, probably due to how larger interval effects do not consistently align to even or odd Fridays across months of the year. In sum, if we believe such specific periodic effects are there, or conversely want to probe for them, we should simply encode it as a binary variable consistent with how the data are prepared. The coefficients on those variables from the regression provide the evidence. From there, we can decide whether to remove extraneous variables, to improve our estimates of the remaining effects. To probe for surprises in production, we may deploy the more inclusive, though, problematic (collinearity, etc.) alongside the selected model.

Binary variables and periodic components in the AutoReg model class produce spiky or jagged forecasts. The variability common to real world data–something recurring around, rather than precisely on, a particular day, attenuates the weight (coefficient) of the effect(s). However, the attenuation may be unpredictably unstable. In the next post in this series, we ask the model to learn how to relax periodic effects.